How Sustainable Packaging Solutions Create Value Through Design Innovation
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How Sustainable Packaging Solutions Create Value Through Design Innovation

Views: 212     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-05-04      Origin: Site

  Under the "Dual Carbon" strategy advocating a green, environmentally friendly, and low-carbon lifestyle, the consumer market's attention to low-carbon and environmentally friendly packaging materials is increasing. As a one-stop packaging innovation service platform from design to production, Beryl Packaging has always been concerned about the sustainable development of packaging. Today, I'd like to share with you some interesting and practical sustainable packaging cases.

iCat Pet Food Gift Box

  The design goal of the iCat pet food gift box aligns with Specific Goal 12.5 of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which aims to "substantially reduce waste generation by 2030 through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse." As a design concept, the iCat pet food gift box uses recyclable and biodegradable materials in the manufacturing process, allowing cats to continue to enjoy the packaging after consuming the food.


Sustainable packaging solutions

  In the manufacturing process, the design maximizes the use of corrugated cardboard material tension for assembly, eliminating the use of adhesives. Visually, it adopts optimized simplification in printing and uses plant-based inks for environmentally friendly printing. The design of the iCat pet food gift box not only reflects the concept of environmental protection but also provides new ideas for the pet food industry through its innovative packaging design. This design not only reduces waste generation but also adds value to the product through its versatility. For example, the packaging box can be reused for other purposes such as toys or furniture after the pet finishes consuming the food, extending the product's lifespan and encouraging environmental behavior among consumers.

Litchi Wine Packaging

  Designers use corrugated cardboard as the basic material for litchi wine packaging design. While ensuring the basic functionality and aesthetics of the packaging, the creative use of corrugated cardboard as the core material for packaging unexpectedly enhances its environmental friendliness and adds to the brand packaging's identity.

Creative wine box

NUTS Food Packaging

  Salmarim is a brand focused on high-quality sea salt, produced through manual harvesting in the Castro Marim salt flats in Portugal. The brand is known for its high-quality products and sustainability focus, reflected in its packaging design.

gift box

  Salmarim's packaging also embodies sustainability in material selection, using cork, recycled glass, wood, and FSC-certified paper, combined with intelligent design concepts. Additionally, Salmarim's packaging design aims to reduce ink usage, support the Wildlife Recovery and Research Center (RIAS), and benefit local craftsmen and traditional industries.

ZINUS INC Packaging

  ZINUS INC is a well-known furniture manufacturer, offering products such as mattresses, bed frames, pillows, office furniture, and pet beds. In terms of packaging, ZINUS INC is famous for its innovative boxed compressed mattresses, one of their early patents. This packaging method not only facilitates transportation and storage but also reduces logistics volume, environmentally friendly, reflecting the company's environmental philosophy.

  Whenever consumers purchase furniture, they usually discard the outer shipping carton. ZINUS offers customers a simple yet imaginative way to repurpose these boxes. These designs directly guide consumers to transform the bed frame packaging box into a storage box, which can hold small decorations in the space under the frame, while the mattress box can be easily assembled into a small rocket.

Indisposable Stellar Cookie Box

  Stellar Forest is a corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative of Samsung Semiconductor, empowering people with disabilities by letting them handle all processes of candy production. This cookie is more than just a dessert; it has a deeper meaning. Samsung hopes to find a way to align it with the company's ESG (environmental, social, and governance) management philosophy. Therefore, they created this cookie packaging box. Cookie packaging boxes are usually discarded after one use, but this one can be upgraded and recycled into a sustainable laptop stand, establishing a win-win relationship between Samsung, its users, and people with disabilities.

Sustainable packaging bags

Environmentally friendly packaging bags


BITE Packaging

  BITE is a Danish syrup company that has innovated in packaging design to support sustainable development and environmental protection. BITE has transitioned from traditional glass bottle packaging to paper box packaging, reducing waste generation and environmental impact. The new packaging design aims to enhance user experience while reducing the environmental burden.

Sustainable wine box

  Cardboard boxes make transportation and storage easier while saving costs and reducing carbon footprint. The carbon footprint of bag-in-box packaging is 90% lower than that of glass bottles. Most importantly, a 7 kg bag-in-box syrup pack contains the equivalent of about 100 kg of glass bottles.

  Packaging is an indispensable part of brand sustainable construction, and the sustainable development of packaging should be given more attention. Packaging sustainability is not only the sustainability of the brand but also the sustainability of consumption and society.


  As a packaging creator who always practices the concept of sustainable development, Beryl Packaging will continue to strive for sustainable packaging construction for brands, endeavoring to empower brands with more environmentally friendly, healthy, and natural packaging solutions, and contribute to the construction of sustainable consumption, starting from packaging, and promoting the sustainable development of society.

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